6 Steps to Manage a Project Successfully

6 Steps to Manage a Project Successfully

Managing a project successfully means completing it on time, within the stipulated budget and providing a quality which matches with the set standards. To manage projects successfully, one of the most important things to do is to find an effective project manager - someone who is apt at budgeting, problem solving, communicating, analyzing, leading, motivating and directing. If the project manager is good, there is nothing that he can not achieve!

Tips on How to Manage a Project Successfully

Step # 1
As mentioned earlier, the first thing to do when managing a project is to appoint a qualified and experienced project manager. Next, have the most efficient project management tools and softwares in place. Follow this up by defining the project scope. The project scope should have all the details with regards to the budget of the project, the time frame within which it should be completed as well as the goals that the organization expects to achieve, through the completion of the project.

Step # 2
Have a written project plan in place. If its a large project, divide it into parts and have separate plans for each of them. By proper planning, everyone has a clear idea of how to complete the tasks, when to complete them and what all things, equipments, tools, etc., would be needed to do the job. Once the plan has been worked out, it's time to choose the most professional employees, to become a part of the project management team.

Step # 3
As it is the people who are ultimately responsible for successful completion of projects, so hire the right people for the right job. If an employee has a specialization in a particular area of work, see to it that he is given that very job to do. Next, make each and every person working on the project aware of his responsibilities. Discuss individual as well as collective goals with the team members and set expectations from each one of them. Have a proper structure in place, wherein everyone knows whom to report to or take suggestions/consultation from, in case of a work related issue. Likewise, have the policies and procedures to do various jobs in place too. By doing this, you are ensuring that everyone performs their job in the most professional manner.

Step # 4
Align the individual goals to the overall corporate goals. Communicate to the team members how critical their jobs are in the completion of the project and how important the project is in meeting the goals of the organization. If the team members are made aware of how relevant their jobs are for meeting organizational goals, they are much more likely to take them seriously.

Step # 5
To ensure that the team members are meeting their goals and to improve upon their performance, the project manager should monitor and evaluate them on a regular basis. A project's progress as well as the results that have been achieved, should be documented from time to time and the same should be communicated to all the stakeholders, be it clients, supervisors or the management. By keeping a track of how the project is shaping up, a project manager can make any necessary corrections that might be required, to minimize potential failures. Maintaining quality control is an indispensable part of completing projects successfully.

Step # 6
Finally, when the project is complete, measure and ascertain whether the project goals have been met. Generally, however successful a project has been, there is always a room for improvement. So, find the areas/jobs in the project that could have been done better as well as the ways in which they could have been tackled. This will help the organization in improving upon the deliverance of its future projects.

If a project is managed efficiently, it has many benefits for the organization, such as, it leads to enhanced productivity, minimization of risks, reduction in costs, besides achievement of the predetermined goals. Thus, it can be said that by following the simple steps mentioned above, any organization can look forward to enjoy all these benefits and maximize its profits!